Mobile development
Finance development
Business intelligence
Project management
Mobile development
Finance development
Business intelligence
Project management
Finance development
Screens PlanformScreens Planform
Our Structure

Make your work great with Hado

No need to wait for the next release to publish a new set of improvements. With Hado, you can free yourself of dependencies.

Unlimited notifications

Let Hado look like an integral part of your software by configuring its look & feel.

Conversion analytics

Hado can be fully white labeled to mimic the layout of your application.

Tracking process with Hado

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.




Card Web DevelopmentCard ServicePlatform Transaction

Automate your recruting service

With Hado, you can turn your recurring revenue into up-front capital for growth. Connect your systems instantly and see how much capital you can access today.

Our Features

Service created for everyone

We provide professional services to clients in a particular area of expertise.  We have a team of experts in various fields who can offer advice on a project or problem. We integrate with your banks and accounting services.

Fast capital

From sign-up to funds wired to your bank account in as little as 24 hours. Grow your SaaS business

Support 24/7

We will give 24/7 customer service is a popular customer service best practice that aims, for support using gmail

Save Time

Save your time for growing your business with our platform. No need to build your own auth team or platform.


Connect with platforms

Don't worry, we play nice. Hado offers API access and integrations with hundreds of the most popular tools on the web.

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Manage tasks

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.


Automate tasks

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.


Track results

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.

Portrait Customer
"It is really refreshing to work with this software which is truly helpful in the client’s needs and preferences."
— Jack Calderon,
Head of marketing, Apple Inc.
Grow Your Business
Build Brand
Launch a Project
Create a Strategy
Grow Your Business
Build Brand
Launch a Project
Create a Strategy

Improve your business and make your work easy

Dentures actually improve our smiles and overall apperance. Not only theymake us look better, but also make our life easier. Enjoy simple things as food,conversation and smile

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